42. Festival Radovljica 2024

The jubilee 40th Radovljica 2022 Festival will take place from 5 to 23 August.

Radovljica Early Music Society

The programme will be available at the beginning of June. Performers will include the renowned viol consort Fretwork, the vocal ensemble Die Singphoniker, the Altemps string quartet, the renaissance flute consort Phaedrus, ensemble Opera Prima, soprano Amanda Forsythe, tenor Aco Aleksander Bišćević, and violinist Bojan Čičić. The programmes will feature Handel’s cantatas, Purcell’s string fantasias, quartets by Schubert and Onslow, Johann Sebastian Bach’s complete sonatas and partitas, music by Francesco Pollini, Mozart and Bellini, as well as music by Antonio Tarsia (1643–1722), organist of Koper Cathedral.

Free festival bus from Ljubljana and Kranj is available to all concerts.


40th Radovljica 2022 Festival